Successful career and investing need time and discipline

You started your career several years ago after your education.

You started at entry level without knowing much where you may reach.

When you saw a senior person leading a large deal or team or product or operation in those early part of your career, you wanted to be like him or her.

You took those baby steps every day, for months and years.

It was not easy, as there were days when you thought it’s enough and you can’t take it anymore. Next day morning again you were ready for your work. There was hard work, patience and tough decisions in your journey.

Today you are an expert/ leader in your field and it is a very satisfying and rewarding journey.

Similarly, you should build your investment journey. You may not know much about investments today and its ok.

You can start at any level with a clear long term plan and a well defined process.

You have to take those baby steps every day for years with discipline and process.

It is not going to be easy, as there will be days when your patience/discipline will be tested to your core.

After few years, time will come when your investment would have grown substantially, giving you wealth and steady passive income.

And then when you will look back, you would be proud of your discipline / process in your investing journey.

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